
Complete lyrics to Forever by Ed Sheeran. The song was recorded in the year nan. So now, you can follow along with the song anywhere you are listening from and any any time, the lyrics below.


ooooh darlin’ x4 its
4am beneath the stars
under the night and
you’re here and you’re
here with candles lit
the room is dark the moon
is light we can lay here
we can love here
forever is all i ever
want so be careful when
you’re giving it to
someone ooooh darlin’ x
i bought some food a
change of clothes a
little wine and a blanket
and we used them all i
dreamt the day away on a
planet full of life and
just stayed there i fell
in love there perfect
comes near perfect just
for one and forever is
all i ever want so be
careful when you’re
giving it to someone
ooooh darlin’ x we’re
lying down her cheek is
resting on my shoulder
play with her hair i
adore her this is the
single sweetest love i’ve
ever known yeah we can
stay here run away dear
love knows no fear
father doubted some
forever is all i ever
want so be careful when
you’re giving it to
someone ooooh darlin’ x

Artist: Ed Sheeran
Song Title: Forever
Date: nan



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